Imelda Coyne

Trinity College Dublin


Imelda is a Professor in Children’s Nursing, and Director of the Trinity Research in Childhood Centre, Trinity College Dublin. She is a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin, Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and a Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science. She is the Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health (IJAMH). She has published more than 200 peer reviewed articles, 5 books and 14 chapters. Her research focuses on children’s participation and empowerment, child and family-centred care, shared decision-making, co-designed interventions for chronic illnesses and transition to adult healthcare services. Her research on transition practices has led to the creation of a dedicated free eHealth resources ( ) to prepare youth for transition which has won awards for co-design and best hospital project for youth in Ireland. Her current research project focuses on evaluating an intervention to empower adolescents to communicate in healthcare encounters and to participate in shared decision-making.